Ages 5 & Under

Youth Play Time

About Play Time

Youth ages 5 and under can attend Play Time. Although it isn’t a full class, one or more instructors will be there monitoring the session and will be happy to answer questions and give advice. This is a great way for students to practice what they have learned in class. Additionally, current C3 students 5 and under can make up a missed class by attending Play Time during the same session by following the steps in the missed class policy. Each child must be accompanied by an adult in the studio at all times.

Play Time Pricing

Play Time is $15. Payment can be in cash, but everyone who attends must register through the website. We can help with this when you arrive, but pre-registration is preferred.

Current Play Times

Fridays: 10 – 11am

*Please Note that Youth Play Time follows BPS cancelations and does not meet when school is canceled due to weather. Additionally, Youth Play Time does not meet during BPS School Recess Weeks.

Important Info

Play Time Policies

  • All Play Time participants must be supervised by a caregiver in-studio at all times.
  • Be respectful of other students and caregivers in the space. Students may need to share space and equipment.
  • Do not teach skills to other students. If you need help please ask the supervising instructor.
  • Ask fellow students or caregiver before offering feedback, and respect a student or caregiver’s desire to decline feedback.
  • Always use proper matting, rigging, and safety equipment.
  • No headphones while in the studio.

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