Adult Classes


Our Tumbling classes are designed to teach the foundational skills of ground acrobatics like rolls, cartwheels, handstands, and more dynamic skills. Through tumbling classes students will improve strength, agility, coordination, and balance!

Important Info

Level Prerequisites for Tumbling

Level 1

Open, no prereqs.

Level 2

Students should be comfortable attempting a forward dive roll, a backward roll, and cartwheels on both sides. Students should be able to safely attempt a kick up to a handstand against the wall. Students should be comfortable upside down.

Level 3

Students should be comfortable executing a forward dive roll, a backward roll, and cartwheels on both sides. Students should be able to kick up to, and fall out of a handstand off the wall but don’t need to be able to hold a freestanding handstand. Students should be ready to work at a faster pace and work on progressions for more advanced tricks like handsprings, and front and back tucks.